DRX9000® Infomercial Part 2

DARIN: This last year I was riding on the tour and I just became so frustrated because I was in pain all the time that I actually had to stop competing on the pro tour that year and you know everything kind of stopped for me at that point. I knew I had to do something to get well.

REN: So, with his career in jeopardy Darin went to see his doctor and was terrified by what he was told.

DARIN: He said, “Well, we can do some surgery. We can put some screws in, some rods in” and that just sounded like the last thing I wanted to do.

REN: It was then that Darin learned about the DRX9000® and after just one visit he knew he’d found the answer.

DARIN: When I started to use the DRX9000® it was perfectly in that area that I felt the release and the space come back between my vertebrae and as soon as I stood up after my first visit I felt like I was standing much straighter again and my back was just so much happier to have that tension taken off of that area.

REN: With the back pain gone Darin was able to go back and finish the pro tour, and with the help of the DRX9000® he plans to keep competing for years to come.

DARIN: Without the DRX I wouldn’t have been able to go back and continue competing. As I continue to train I don’t think if I wasn’t using the DRX9000® that I would be training at all. It’s just done really good things for my career. I plan on continuing to use it you know as I continue training which you know makes me pretty happy because I’m looking forward to next year now.

As a service of the Physician Spine Network we are providing the contact information for the doctor or doctors in your area now providing treatment with the DRX9000® Spinal Decompression System. The DRX9000® provides a nonsurgical, FDA-approved pain-free treatment with an 86% success rate in treating general lower back pain, herniated disc, degenerative disc, sciatica, and even failed back surgery. We’ll have more on the leading doctors in your area now providing this new treatment but now let’s return to news anchor, Ren Scott.

REN: Now doctor in addition to the DRX9000® there’s also the DRX9000C or cervical that helps deal with neck pain. I know you have one of these DRX9000Cs in your office. Let’s talk about the technology behind that and how it works.

  1. HUDGINS: Well, the DRX Cervical is very similar to the treatment for the lower back. There’s a little bit of a new wrinkle because they have a special pillow or head device that pulls on the back of the head and doesn’t put any force on the chin which is sometimes very uncomfortable for the patients. In my experience, I’ve gone in to see patients that are being treated and they’re asleep on the machine. They have no pain at all and the fact is they’re feeling so comfortable they just fall asleep during the treatment. We can vary the angle and we can vary the amount of pull and we can go up and down with it and do all these things we do with the lumbar machine and the results, I think, have been even better for the neck problem patients than with the lower back.

REN: And when you’re talking about neck surgery it’s tremendously invasive. If you have an answer like this that will help you avoid neck surgery by all means people should certainly look into it.

  1. HUDGINS: Definitely. Surgery on the cervical spine or on the neck is much more difficult and complicated and even more risky because of the spinal cord, so anything we can do to get the patient over their neck ache and pain without an invasive procedure is much better.

REN: A case in point, business owner Mark Dixon whose life was changed dramatically by the DRX9000C. As the owner of a commercial cleaning business this is the kind of physical labor that Mark Dixon has to do every day, but when a jet ski accident caused serious damage to his neck and upper back work like this became just too painful.

MARK: I had whiplash and was in the emergency room and on medications for two to three months, and I couldn’t lay down for about two to three months. I slept sitting up. That was mostly a result of the nerve damage, the nerve was dying and it was very painful.

REN: And when the x-rays were done it seemed like surgery was the only option.

MARK: That’s the first thing I thought when I saw the pictures of my spine next to what a spine was supposed to look like, when I saw the vertebrae touching and whatnot I thought that I was definitely heading for an operation.

REN: That’s when Mark heard about the new DRX9000C that could ease the pressure in his neck and help to avoid surgery and the relief was almost immediate.

MARK: Almost right away within the first week I noticed relief in my neck and stiffness in my shoulder was gone. The second week I automatically was feeling better, my shoulder was better, sleeping better and working pain free.

REN: Three months later Mark is back to work and back to life completely pain free.

MARK: And now it’s great cause I feel like I can play golf as much as I want to play. I can work as much as I want to work. I don’t have to baby my right side, and it’s a wonderful thing. What can I say, it’s having full mobility, having all your strength back; that’s priceless.

As a service of the Physician Spine Network we are providing the contact information for the doctor or doctors in your area now providing treatment with the DRX9000® Spinal Decompression System. The DRX9000® provides a nonsurgical, FDA-approved pain-free treatment with an 86% success rate in treating general lower back pain, herniated disc, degenerative disc, sciatica, and even failed back surgery. We’ll have more on the leading doctors in your area now providing this new treatment but now let’s return to news anchor, Ren Scott.

REN: Now Dr. Hudgins one of the many benefits of spinal decompression is there is no time in the hospital and there is no recovery time. Let’s talk about the protocol with the DRX9000® and exactly what it is.

  1. HUDGINS: The patients just come into the office for their treatments and each treatment takes about 30 – 45 minutes. We treat the low back problems every day five days a week for two weeks and then we do three times a week for two weeks and then twice a week for another week or two for a total of 15 – 20 treatments. In the neck with neck problems we treat just every other day and they do that for three to four weeks.

REN: Are there any situations where people are not candidates for this? Obvious situations where they would not be a candidate.

  1. HUDGINS: Yes, we have to screen all the patients. They need to have an MRI and an exam. If they had a spinal fusion for example or a congenital defect in the vertebrae that would weaken that spot and allow the decompression to cause problems then we screen those patients out but the great majority of patients are good candidates for this treatment.

REN: Now when you think about back pain nothing puts more strain on the back than that motion of swinging a golf club and in my research for this report I was fascinated by the story of professional golfer, Frank Nobilo, who had degenerative disc and back pain so severe it almost put him in a wheelchair. For 23 years Frank Nobilo was one of the top golfers in the world but that all changed when serious back problems made it just too painful to play.

FRANK: Eventually after x-rays and MRIs I realized I had my last three vertebrae which was L4, L5 as well as L3 just above there as well were almost touching each other. I had virtually no disc on those last three vertebrae and effectively as a golfer you know you need the function of your whole spine to rotate and whatever and all the symptoms that I’d had, the pain, lack of movement, stiffness everything and literally I was in agony were caused through literally bone on bone, no disc.

REN: And as Frank and his wife Selena tried to make a new life away from golf the pain still affected everything they did.

SELENA: We couldn’t go to movies because he couldn’t sit down for great lengths of time, dinners you know you couldn’t go out and enjoy a nice dinner and you know have a few drinks and you know have a leisurely evening because his back was just too sore.

REN: So, Frank reached out to the top experts in the country. He even visited the renown Mayo Clinic and eventually his research led him to the DRX9000® and the treatments that would open up his spine and allow his discs to heal.

FRANK: So, when I have an MRI it shows discs again so to me it’s like a modern miracle. So, I am now a believer.

REN: And now Frank and his wife are also back to living an active life.

FRANK: The only thing that’s missing in my life right now is that I don’t play competitive golf anymore but you know I can play with my daughter, I can play with my pets, for example, you know I can get up. I have the odd game of tennis. I can play the odd game of golf. I can do that now. I can actually have a normal life that I never thought was possible.

REN: Frank Nobilo is now building a new career as one of the top TV golf analysts in the country,, and every day he sees more and more pro golfers turning to the DRX9000®.

FRANK: I’ve seen players getting ready for the Champions Tour in other words nearing 50 years of age trying to get back into shape for example using the DRX9000®, and I’ve seen players in their 30s that are perfectly healthy using the DRX9000® stay perfectly healthy.

REN: And now to his amazement Frank himself is starting to swing the golf club once again pain free.

FRANK: So, for me the DRX9000® I can’t put a value on it. All the things that I thought I’d forgotten I can do most of them again now. All of a sudden my life is totally different. I really feel like I can achieve pretty much everything I wanted to do outside golf and maybe, you never know, when I reach 50 with the Champions Tour these days and I keep using the DRX9000® on a regular basis I might just, you never know, I might just compete once again.

REN: Right now hundreds of doctors around the country are using the DRX9000® and the DRX9000C to help thousands of people with back and neck pain get back to living an active and pain free life. If you’re struggling with back pain and would like to know more about the DRX9000® reach out to the doctor or doctors in your area who have this revolutionary new technology. It’s a phone call that could change your life.

For all of us here at the Physician Spine Network, thank you so much for joining us. I’m Ren Scott. Good luck and be well.

The DRX9000® is the Worlds Most Advanced Non-Surgical Treatment for Back and Neck Pain